Lighthouse Point is located on the northeastern part of Broward County. It is situated on the South side of Deerfield Beach. This city from Florida is highly populous. It settled between 1947 and 1951 and finally founded in 1957. People also refer to Lighthouse Point as LHP. There are around seven public schools in this city. Two of them are elementary schools; three of them are middle schools, while there are 2 high schools. More than twenty percent of Lighthouse Point’s households have children in them. More than 17 percent of his city’s population is made up by children.
Keeping the children aside, around 24 percent of Lighthouse point’s population consists of adults who are over sixty five years old. Children and adults alike are involved in various types of accidents in the city. These accidents not only injure them but also devastate them mentally. And more often than not, someone else’s negligence or carelessness is why someone gets injured in the first place. If you or a loved one has sustained a personal injury from an accident, talk to a Lighthouse point personal injury lawyer for legal help.