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What To Do During a 3 Car Accident

What To Do During a 3 Car Accident Car accidents are called accidents for a few reasons. First of all, most people do not intend to cause them. And second, we never see them coming. Not only does an accident affect the people involved, but

I Just Got Rear-Ended, What Do I Do?

I Just Got Rear-Ended, What Do I Do? You’re driving to work on an early morning Or maybe you are driving to a nice restaurant  It could be that you are on your way to the beach What I’m trying to say is that it

Who is at Fault During a Car Accident?

Who is at Fault During a Car Accident? We have all been in a car accident at some point in our lives. Maybe some haven't, but lots of us have been in car accidents, truck accidents, maybe even Uber accidents. Your accident can be as

What To Do Immediately After A Car Accident?

What Do I Do Immediately After a Car Accident? It’s called a car accident after all. It’s not supposed to happen very often. You are not supposed to expect it because it’s not supposed to happen and it is a mistake. That is basically what

Need some fresh air? Come visit Big Cypress National Preserve

Big Cypress National Preserve is located in South Florida, approximately 45 miles west of Miami, and measures nearly 720,000 acres.  The preserve was one of the first national preserves established on October 11, 1974.  Film producer Elam Stoltzfus featured the preserve in his 2008 PBS

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